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Proverbs and Quotes in English
Short sentences and easy words.
○○○ halogen ⪢⪢
14180#27975 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 27975
○○○ hand ⪢⪢
Chinese President Xi Jinping arrives in Hong Kong to mark the 25th anniversary of Britain handing over control of its former colony to China. 2022-06-30
14180#19841 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19841
○○○ handle ⪢⪢
14180#18522 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 18522
○○○ happiness ⪢⪢
Remember that happiness is _____ way of travel, not _____ destination. #quote
14180#20103 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 20103
○○○ harassment ⪢⪢
14180#16180 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 16180
○○○ harassment ⪢⪢
14180#18744 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 18744
○○○ hardship ⪢⪢
The calf's mother gallops to his side. It's a huge victory after so much hardship.
14180#17770 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 17770
○○○ hawker ⪢⪢
14180#28541 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 28541
○○○ head ⪢⪢
The Porcupine caribou herd _____ heading south into the Brooks Range. #grammar
14180#7513 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 7513
○○○ heartbroken ⪢⪢
14180#21352 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 21352
◎◎◎ heartfelt ⪢⪢
14180#14171 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 14171
○○○ heartfelt ⪢⪢
14180#21804 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 21804
○○○ heck ⪢⪢
14180#21838 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 21838
○○○ hectare ⪢⪢
14180#12398 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12398
○○○ heirloom ⪢⪢
→ heir
14180#16178 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 16178
○○○ heliocentric ⪢⪢
In a heliocentric model the Sun, not the Earth, is in the center and all other objects including the Earth orbit the Sun. In this model the Earth is moving in two ways. It revolves arround the Sun and it also rotates on an axis. → spin
14180#14014 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 14014
○○○ helpful ⪢⪢
14180#12940 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12940
◎◎◎ herbivore ⪢⪢
-- carnivore, omnivore
14180#14807 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 14807
○○○ hideous ⪢⪢
14180#21361 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 21361
○○○ hideous ⪢⪢
14180#28375 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 28375
○○○ hike ⪢⪢
14180#15829 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 15829
○○○ hilarious ⪢⪢
14180#21359 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 21359
○○○ historic ⪢⪢
-- historical
14180#16423 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 16423
○○○ hit ⪢⪢
14180#19782 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19782
○○○ hold ⪢⪢
14180#9519 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 9519
○○○ hold out ⪢⪢
Suddenly it seems plant-based meat is everywhere, grocery stores, sit down restaurants even fast food chains but perhaps the world's most famous fast food chain is holding out.
14180#18950 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 18950
○○○ home ⪢⪢
If I am sick tomorrow, I will study at home. #conditional ▲→▲
14180#13548 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13548
○○○ home ⪢⪢
If I were sick tomorrow, I would stay home. #conditional △→△
14180#10015 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 10015
○○○ honesty ⪢⪢
Honesty is the best policy. #quote
14180#9920 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 9920
○○○ honor ⪢⪢
The European Union is pressing drug maker AstraZeneca to honor its contract to ship COVID-19 vaccines to the 27-member group.
14180#1665 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 1665
○○○ hope ⪢⪢
I _____ that lesson was helpful for you. #bookmark
14180#7122 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 7122
◎◎◎ horrific ⪢⪢
-- horrifying
14180#14161 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 14161
○○○ hostage ⪢⪢
South Korea is sending a delegation to Iran to seek the release of its siezed oil ship. Iran denies holding the ship and the crew as hostages. 2021-01-15
14180#3813 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 3813
○○○ hot ⪢⪢
Strike while the iron is hot. → cold #quote
14180#10082 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 10082
○○○ hubris ⪢⪢
14180#15998 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 15998
○○○ humane ⪢⪢
14180#10559 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 10559
○○○ humanitarian ⪢⪢
14180#11836 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 11836
○○○ hurtling ⪢⪢
14180#15797 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 15797
○○○ husband ⪢⪢
14180#21579 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 21579
○○○ hustle ⪢⪢
40 years ago he went to jail for trying to assassinate then-president Ronald Reagan. Today John Hinckley is a free man and now going public with his side hustle as a singer.
14180#7047 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 7047
○○○ hypersonic ⪢⪢
U.S. officials now believe the objects are mostly likely not secret U.S. technology but they worry they could be advanced systems by another country, potentially Russia or China, both known to test hypersonic systems.
14180#15561 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 15561
