EngliSea > M > math > 55 Analysis > 2 Real Numbers > Listionary
Pillow English Listening
○○○ cosmology ⪢⪢
And part of this belief was that everything from _____ and metaphysics to music and morals followed eternal rules describable as ratios of numbers. #bookmark
17321#17322 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 17322
○○○ dictum ⪢⪢
Their _____ of "all is number" suggested that numbers were the building blocks of the universe. #bookmark
17321#10028 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 10028
○○○ reverence ⪢⪢
Hippasus belonged to a group called the Pythagorean mathematicians who had a religious _____ for numbers.
17321#9864 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 9864
○○○ ritual ⪢⪢
Did he murder guests or disrupt a sacred _____? #bookmark
17321#16590 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 16590
○○○ transgression ⪢⪢
Hippasus's _____ was a mathematical proof: the discovery of irrational numbers.
17321#9927 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 9927
