EngliSea > M > math > 60 Calculus > How to read > In-line Notation
In-line Math Editor
9738#9698 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 9698
In-line Math Notation
Exponentiation x³ = x˄3 Root ∛x = x˅3 Logarithm logₑx = x⍻e Limit e = 「(1+1/n)˄n Ƚn→∞」 Summation e = 「1/n! Σn=1,∞」 Product n! = 「i Πi=1,n」 Permutation 「nꝐr」 = n!/(n−r)! Combination 「nꞒr」 = 「nꝐr」/r! = n!/((n−r)!·r!) Differentiate (e˄x)ᐁx = e˄x Integrate (1 ...
○○○ (2πx→x)ᐃx「0,π/2」 ⪢⪢
9738#17709 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 17709
○○○ (x²+1)ᐁx ⪢⪢
9738#17698 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 17698
○○○ (x⍻a)ᐁx = 1/(x·a⍻e) ⪢⪢
9738#17699 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 17699
○○○ (yᐁx)ᐁx = yᐁ²x ⪢⪢
#math #bookmark
9738#17700 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 17700
○○○ f(x)ᐁx = ↑x−x ⪢⪢
9738#17705 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 17705
Proverbs and Quotes in English
Short sentences and easy words.
○○○ f(x)ᐁⁿx ⪢⪢
9738#17708 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 17708
○○○ h(x)ᐁ²x「1」 ⪢⪢
9738#17706 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 17706
Mathematical Notation
9738#9739 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 9739
○○○ s(t)ᐁ³t ⪢⪢
9738#17707 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 17707
○○○ tᐃt ⪢⪢
9738#17710 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 17710
○○○ Vᐁr「r=1」 ⪢⪢
9738#17697 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 17697
○○○ |v(t)|ᐃt「t⸤1⸥,t⸤2⸥」 ⪢⪢
9738#17711 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 17711
○○○ 「e^x Ƚx→-1+」 ⪢⪢
9738#17695 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 17695
○○○ 「f(x) Ƚh→0」 ⪢⪢
9738#17693 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 17693
○○○ 「x˅3 Ƚx→2-」 ⪢⪢
9738#17694 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 17694
○○○ 「「2x⸤i⸥Δx Σi=1,n」 Ƚn→∞」 ⪢⪢
= 2xᐃx「0,100」 = x˄2「0,100」 last but not least #bookmark #math
9738#17712 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 17712
