EngliSea > A > astronomy > solar system > our solar system
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solar system
20678#6722 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 6722
○○○ bathtub ⪢⪢
That means that if you could find a bathtub large enough to put Saturn in, it would float instead of sink.
20678#20679 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 20679
○○○ drift ⪢⪢
More than that, the sun is what holds the solar system together. It's massive gravity is what keeps the earth and all the other planets circling around it instead of drifting off into space.
20678#19742 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19742
◌◌◌ Earth
20678#19744 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19744
○○○ end to end ⪢⪢
Jupiter is so big that you would have to place 11 erths end to end just stretch across its middle.
20678#14659 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 14659
○○○ Goldilocks ⪢⪢
Earth is what's called a Goldilocks planet because it's not too hot and not too cold. It is just right.
20678#19752 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19752
○○○ host ⪢⪢
Have you ever looked up into the sky and wondered what was there? Higher than the birds, past the clouds and farther than the moon, a whole host of fascinating objects spin in outer space. → wonder #quote
20678#20129 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 20129
◌◌◌ Jupiter
20678#19746 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19746
◌◌◌ Mars
20678#19745 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19745
◌◌◌ Mercury
20678#19743 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19743
○○○ methane ⪢⪢
20678#20681 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 20681
◌◌◌ Neptune
20678#19749 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19749
◌◌◌ Pluto
20678#19750 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19750
○○○ probe ⪢⪢
20678#23842 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 23842
○○○ rust ⪢⪢
20678#23843 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 23843
◌◌◌ Saturn
20678#19747 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19747
◌◌◌ Sun
20678#9901 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 9901
○○○ tilt ⪢⪢
Unlike any other planet in the solar system, it is tilted so much that it actually spins sideways.
20678#20680 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 20680
◌◌◌ Uranus
20678#19748 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19748
◌◌◌ Venus
20678#15459 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 15459
