EngliSea > M > math > 15 Geometry

A branch of mathematics concerned with questions of shape, size, relative position of figures, and the properties of space
01 Introduction to Geometry
If you could go back and visit any time in the history of mankind, which would it be?
4999#5000 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 5000
01 Points, Lines, & Planes
Math Antics - Points, Lines, & Planes
4999#5080 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 5080
02 Angle Basics
Math Antics - Angle Basics
4999#5081 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 5081
02 Basic Euclidian Geometry: Points, Lines, and Planes
4999#5001 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 5001
03 Angles & Degrees
Math Antics - Angles & Degrees
4999#5097 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 5097
03 Types of Angles and Angle Relationships
Types of Angles and Angle Relationships
4999#5002 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 5002
04 Polygons
Math Antics - Polygons
4999#5101 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 5101
04 Types of Triangles in Euclidian Geometry
Types of Triangles in Euclidian Geometry
4999#5003 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 5003
05 Proving Triangle Congruence and Similarity
Proving Triangle Congruence and Similarity
4999#5004 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 5004
06 Quadrilaterals
Math Antics - Quadrilaterals
4999#5157 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 5157
06 Special Lines in Triangles
Bisectors, Medians, and Altitudes
4999#5006 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 5006
07 Perimeter
Math Antics - Perimeter
4999#5158 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 5158
07 The Triangle Midsegment Theorem
The Triangle Midsegment Theorem
4999#5007 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 5007
08 Area
Math Antics - Area
4999#5159 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 5159
08 The Pythagorean Theorem
The Pythagorean Theorem
4999#5008 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 5008
09 Circles, What Is PI?
Math Antics - Circles, What Is PI?
4999#5160 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 5160
09 Types of Quadrilaterals and Other Polygons
syllogism, deductive
4999#5009 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 5009
10 Calculating the Perimeter of Polygons
Calculating the Perimeter of Polygons
4999#5010 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 5010
10 Circles, Circumference And Area
Math Antics - Circles, Circumference And Area
4999#5161 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 5161
11 Circles: Radius, Diameter, Chords, Circumference, and Sectors
Circles: Radius, Diameter, Chords, Circumference, and Sectors
4999#5011 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 5011
11 Volume
Math Antics - Volume
4999#5162 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 5162
Proverbs and Quotes in English
Short sentences and easy words.
12 Calculating the Area of Shapes
Calculating the Area of Shapes
4999#5012 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 5012
12 The Pythagorean Theorem
Math Antics - The Pythagorean Theorem
4999#5163 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 5163
13 Proving the Pythagorean Theorem
Proving the Pythagorean Theorem
4999#5013 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 5013
14 Three-Dimensional Shapes Part 1: Types, Calculating Surface Area
Three-Dimensional Shapes Part 1: Types, Calculating Surface Area
4999#5014 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 5014
15 Three-Dimensional Shapes Part 2: Calculating Volume
Three-Dimensional Shapes Part 2: Calculating Volume
4999#5015 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 5015
Mysterium Cosmographicum
polytope, polygon, polyhedron, platonic solid, tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron, icosahedron
4999#3428 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 3428
Pythagorean Theorem Proof
4999#9556 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 9556
Rectangular Solids
4999#9610 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 9610
Symmetry and Transformations
-- symetry, transformation, translation, rotation, reflection, dilation, congruent
4999#3848 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 3848
