EngliSea > F > fairy tales > Two Friends and a Bear
Two Friends and a Bear
6491#4865 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 4865
○○○ close ⪢⪢
"That was close," he said while his friend was getting up from the ground.
6491#24110 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24110
○○○ dead ⪢⪢
Maybe bears don't like to eat dead flesh.
6491#24093 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24093
○○○ in ⪢⪢
When it was safe, the man who was in the tree climbed down.
6491#24109 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24109
○○○ jump ⪢⪢
One of them quickly jumped into a tree leaving his friend alone.
6491#24091 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24091
○○○ look ⪢⪢
It looked like the bear was talking with you.
6491#13940 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13940
○○○ right ⪢⪢
They were walking along a path when suddenly they saw a huge bear right in front of them.
6491#24089 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24089
○○○ room ⪢⪢
Without room in the tree, the other friend decided to drop his bags, lie on the ground and pretent to be dead.
6491#24092 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24092
○○○ scare ⪢⪢
Both of them ran scared.
6491#24090 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24090
○○○ snif ⪢⪢
The bear sniffed around his head for a few seconds and then went on his way.
6491#24108 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24108
○○○ spot ⪢⪢
The bear arrived near the spot where the man was lying on the ground keeping still and holding his breath.
6491#24107 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24107
○○○ time ⪢⪢
Friends should not leave other friends alone in times of trouble.
6491#15895 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 15895
Pillow English Listening
○○○ walk ⪢⪢
Two friends were having a walk around the countryside.
6491#24088 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24088
