look ⪢⪢
It looked like the bear was talking with you.
 look ⪢⪢
Now if a is less than 0 and b was greater than 1, then we can expect the graph to look something like this. And finally, if a is less than 0 and b is greater than 0 but less than 1, then the graph will look something like this. #math #bookmark
◎◎◎ explore ⪢⪢
To explore is to look for new places.
◎◎◎ hunt ⪢⪢
To hunt is to look for or search for an animal to kill.
◎◎◎ particular ⪢⪢
The dress shop doesn't have the particular dress she was looking for.
○○○ Point ⪢⪢
First we look at a point. This is nothing more than a location in space. It is zero-dimensional, meaning that it has no dimensions of any kind. #math
○○○ were to ⪢⪢
If you were to go outside tonight and look at the night sky, you would observe stars and planets and the moon, and during the day the sun as well, moving together across the sky. #be
○○○ palimpsest ⪢⪢
So we're looking at a very complex dynamic in which human populations emerged, they mixed, they separated to some degree. Further populations emerged and mixed and colonized new areas.
○○○ Reflections in the waves spark my memories. ⪢⪢
I look to the sea. _____ Some happy some sad. I think of childhood friends and the dreams we had. We live happily forever so the story goes. But somehow we missed out on the pot of gold. And we'll try best that we can to carry on. #song #lyrics
○○○ content ⪢⪢
The baby looked very _____ sitting on the floor.
○○○ help ⪢⪢
Will you help us look for the boat, Captain?
○○○ look up ⪢⪢
If a fisherman or a shepherd had looked up just then, he would have seen two very unusual birds hovering above the waves. #conditional ◁→◁
○○○ Mona Lisa ⪢⪢
This is perhaps the best known painting in the world. The Mona Lisa shows the head and shoulders of a dark-haired woman. When people look at this painting, they are often captivated by her smile and by her eyes which have a look of mystery.
○○○ field ⪢⪢
The _____ of flowers looked so pretty. #bookmark
○○○ token ⪢⪢
"As a _____ of your belief in me, Eurydice must walk behind you as you travel back to the upper world", Hades said, "and you must not look back at Eurydice until you have exited the under world."
○○○ sight ⪢⪢
No doubt he would have thought that he had caught sight of two winged gods. ┆ If a fisherman or a shepherd had looked up just then, he would have thought that he had caught sight of two winged gods. #conditional ◁→◁
○○○ mortal ⪢⪢
Who could have believed that a mortal father and son had mastered the art of flight? ┆ Who could have believed that a mortal father and son had mastered the art of flight if anyone had looked up just then? #conditional ◁→◁
○○○ protrusion ⪢⪢
On the sides are 2 protrusions that kind of look like antlers. → protrude
○○○ expect ⪢⪢
Now if a is greater than 0 and b was greater than 1, then we can expect the graph to look something like this. If a is greater than 0 and b is greater than 0 but less than 1, then the graph will look something like this. #math
○○○ look up ⪢⪢
Thousands of years ago, ancient astronomers looked up at the sky.
○○○ lost soul ⪢⪢
A homeless man with a scruffy beard and long scraggly hair, he looks like a lost soul. #bookmark
○○○ bestow ⪢⪢
Since we've been able to look up at the Sun, we've been aware of light. As darkness is one of very few things that we instinctually fear, we have always bestowed light with godlike properties.
○○○ 2017.01 ⪢⪢
An IT engineer is looking at the servers in this building and something seems off. The engineer notices that often in the middle of the night these servers are connecting to some server in Shanghai and uploading Emails and audio files. #bookmark
○○○ sled ⪢⪢
The sledding crew looked to be having fun. After their ride they snacked on sugar cane. That's the elephant equivalent of going out for ice cream.
○○○ look no further than ⪢⪢
If you want to see all of the colors in the visible light spectrum, look no further than a rainbow.
○○○ bounce off of ⪢⪢
When we look at an object, we are actually seeing the light that is bouncing off of it.
○○○ shine on ⪢⪢
Things that look white are reflecting almost all of the visible light shining on them. Things that look black are absorbing almost all of the visible light shining on them.
○○○ and ⪢⪢
We looked last night and this morning but we couldn't find him.
○○○ look down ⪢⪢
○○○ give in ⪢⪢
The wife refused to eat anything and began to look pale. Worrying about her health, as well as the baby's, the husband finally gave in.
○○○ of ⪢⪢
The people of St. Petersburg are looking for us. #bookmark
○○○ turn around ⪢⪢
Everyone in the church turned around and looked.
○○○ turn around ⪢⪢
Then he turned around and looked at Captain Ahap.
○○○ 2021.08.18 bewilder ⪢⪢
In this remarkable photo, you can see the entire plane jammed with fleeing Afghans. Take a closer look: A baby drinking milk and bewildered children fleeing their homeland with only what they could carry.
○○○ tuck ⪢⪢
He looked sloppy without his shirt being tucked into his pants.
○○○ uninhabited ⪢⪢
Another satellite image shows what a nearby uninhabited volcanic island looked like before the eruption, an afterwards the island disappeared.
○○○ pegan ⪢⪢
He is a strange fellow, looks like a pegan.
○○○ host ⪢⪢
Have you ever looked up into the sky and wondered what was there? Higher than the birds, past the clouds and farther than the moon, a whole host of fascinating objects spin in outer space. → wonder #quote
○○○ 1223 vanguard ⪢⪢
The Russian princes don't know it yet but this was only a small vanguard on the lookout. #bookmark
○○○ lay ⪢⪢
We'll look at these three forces and how laying them on top of each other creates a good template for tracking economic movements and figuring out what's happening now. #economy
○○○ particular ⪢⪢
The dress shop doesn't have the particular dress she was looking for.
○○○ beach ⪢⪢
We look for seashells at the beach.
○○○ brand ⪢⪢
Mary looked for her favorite _____ of toothpaste at the store.
○○○ pleasant ⪢⪢
The character had a _____ look on its face.
○○○ berry ⪢⪢
The _____ looked delicious.
○○○ Aquarius ⪢⪢
To curb the sadness of Ganymede's parents, Zeus created the constallation of _____ so they would remember their son when looking at it. #front
○○○ look at ⪢⪢
○○○ in his eyes a flaming glow ⪢⪢
There lived a certain man in Russia long ago He was big and strong, _____ Most people looked at him with terror and with fear But to Moscow chicks he was such a lovely dear #lyrics
○○○ look after ⪢⪢
She still needs a lot of looking after.
○○○ Priapus ⪢⪢
_____ was wandering back and forth looking for a sexual encounter. #Greece
○○○ #TOEIC ⪢⪢
Look at the example item below.
○○○ #TOEIC ⪢⪢
Look at the picture marked number 1 in your test book.
○○○ #TOEIC 160 ⪢⪢
Would you look over my research proposal before I submit it?
○○○ #TOEIC 162 ⪢⪢
Try looking in the drawer.
○○○ 0330 ⪢⪢
Do you think this _____ when it look better with blue lighting or with orange? #mystery
○○○ look round ⪢⪢
The captain looked round quickly.
 Be Going To
(1) future plans decided before "I can't go with you tonight I'm going to study at the library with some friends." (2) predictions we can see now "Look at the clouds! It's going to rain."
 202W.03E What does linear algebra "look like?"
◌◌◌ peridot
Unlike emeralds which could look as dark as black in lowlight, _____ hold on to their green and gold vibrancy even in candlelight giving them the nickname emeralds of the evening.
 peregrine falcon
Peregrine Falcons are Feathered Fighter Jets, Basically | Deep Look
 coral reefs
Though they may look like colorful plants _____s are in fact made up of tiny animals called polyps.
 Be Going To
(1) future plans decided before "I can't go with you tonight I'm going to study at the library with some friends." (2) predictions we can see now "Look at the clouds! It's going to rain."
 02 Division Algorithm
O.K. So here we're gonna look at a classic result in elementary number theory known as the division algorithm.
 A first look at series
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