EngliSea > S > Essential Words
◎◎◎ disobedient ⪢⪢
10143#13196 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13196
○○○ disobedient ⪢⪢
10143#18842 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 18842
◎◎◎ sacred ⪢⪢
10143#12115 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12115
○○○ sacred ⪢⪢
10143#18843 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 18843
○○○ safe ⪢⪢
Put on your seat belt in the car to be _____ . #bookmark
10143#9803 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 9803
◎◎◎ safe ⪢⪢
When a person is _____ , they are not in danger.
10143#9801 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 9801
◎◎◎ sage ⪢⪢
10143#12549 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12549
○○○ sage ⪢⪢
→ Hal
10143#18590 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 18590
◎◎◎ sail ⪢⪢
10143#14130 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 14130
○○○ sail ⪢⪢
I love to _____ my boat on the lake.
10143#14131 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 14131
◎◎◎ sake ⪢⪢
The sake of something is the reason for doing it.
10143#13205 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13205
○○○ sake ⪢⪢
The parents worked hard for their children's sake.
10143#21519 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 21519
◎◎◎ saliva ⪢⪢
10143#12830 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12830
○○○ saliva ⪢⪢
10143#18845 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 18845
◎◎◎ sanctuary ⪢⪢
10143#11992 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 11992
○○○ sanctuary ⪢⪢
10143#18844 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 18844
○○○ sane ⪢⪢
→ Oliver
10143#18841 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 18841
◎◎◎ sarcastic ⪢⪢
10143#12852 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12852
○○○ sarcastic ⪢⪢
10143#18591 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 18591
◎◎◎ satire ⪢⪢
10143#12649 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12649
○○○ satire ⪢⪢
10143#18592 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 18592
◎◎◎ saturated ⪢⪢
If something is _____ , it is completely wet.
10143#12046 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12046
○○○ saturated ⪢⪢
Leigh's hair became _____ in the rainstorm.
10143#18846 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 18846
◎◎◎ saucer ⪢⪢
→ sauce, source, resource, sorcer
10143#13371 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13371
○○○ saucer ⪢⪢
10143#18593 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 18593
◎◎◎ savage ⪢⪢
10143#12509 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12509
○○○ savage ⪢⪢
10143#18991 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 18991
◎◎◎ save ⪢⪢
To _____ something is to keep it from being hurt.
10143#13990 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13990
○○○ save ⪢⪢
I want to help _____ save the world.
10143#13991 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13991
◎◎◎ scene ⪢⪢
10143#7129 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 7129
○○○ scene ⪢⪢
10143#14842 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 14842
○○○ scope ⪢⪢
Modern history has a wide scope.
◎◎◎ scope ⪢⪢
The scope of something is how many people or things it relates to.
10143#12466 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12466
◎◎◎ scorn ⪢⪢
10143#12809 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12809
○○○ scorn ⪢⪢
10143#19868 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19868
◎◎◎ scramble ⪢⪢
10143#13509 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13509
○○○ scramble ⪢⪢
10143#28609 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 28609
○○○ scrap ⪢⪢
10143#19671 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19671
◎◎◎ scrap ⪢⪢
10143#12788 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12788
◎◎◎ scrape ⪢⪢
10143#13206 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13206
○○○ scrape ⪢⪢
10143#21505 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 21505
◎◎◎ scribble ⪢⪢
10143#13455 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13455
○○○ scribble ⪢⪢
10143#18594 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 18594
◎◎◎ scribe ⪢⪢
10143#13336 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13336
○○○ scribe ⪢⪢
10143#21729 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 21729
◎◎◎ script ⪢⪢
10143#13253 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13253
○○○ script ⪢⪢
10143#21562 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 21562
◎◎◎ scrutiny ⪢⪢
10143#12650 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12650
○○○ scrutiny ⪢⪢
10143#19280 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19280
◎◎◎ search ⪢⪢
10143#13254 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13254
◎◎◎ seclude ⪢⪢
10143#12527 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12527
○○○ seclude ⪢⪢
10143#19005 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19005
◎◎◎ secondhand ⪢⪢
10143#12138 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12138
○○○ secondhand ⪢⪢
10143#14541 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 14541
◎◎◎ secrecy ⪢⪢
10143#12739 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12739
○○○ secrecy ⪢⪢
10143#22855 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 22855
○○○ secret ⪢⪢
The two boys were sharing a _____ .
10143#10040 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 10040
◎◎◎ secret ⪢⪢
A _____ is something that you do not tell other people.
10143#10037 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 10037
◎◎◎ sector ⪢⪢
10143#12789 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12789
○○○ sector ⪢⪢
10143#19672 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19672
◎◎◎ segregate ⪢⪢
10143#12651 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12651
○○○ segregate ⪢⪢
10143#19067 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19067
◎◎◎ seizure ⪢⪢
10143#10397 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 10397
○○○ seizure ⪢⪢
10143#18853 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 18853
◎◎◎ select ⪢⪢
To select something is to choose it.
10143#20433 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 20433
○○○ select ⪢⪢
I hope that I selected the right answers on the test.
10143#20434 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 20434
◎◎◎ semester ⪢⪢
10143#3776 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 3776
◎◎◎ senate ⪢⪢
10143#12550 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12550
○○○ senate ⪢⪢
10143#22783 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 22783
◎◎◎ sense ⪢⪢
10143#13868 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13868
○○○ sense ⪢⪢
10143#13869 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13869
◎◎◎ sensory ⪢⪢
10143#12810 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12810
○○○ sensory ⪢⪢
10143#19869 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19869
◎◎◎ sentence ⪢⪢
10143#13029 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13029
◎◎◎ sentiment ⪢⪢
A sentiment is an opinion based on your feelings.
10143#12551 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12551
○○○ sentiment ⪢⪢
Tess told everyone at the table her sentiment about eating meat. #bookmark
10143#18824 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 18824
◎◎◎ separate ⪢⪢
If two things are _____ , they are not together.
10143#14087 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 14087
○○○ separate ⪢⪢
New York and Los Angeles are in two _____ parts of America.
10143#14088 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 14088
◎◎◎ sequence ⪢⪢
10143#12307 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12307
○○○ sequence ⪢⪢
The dominos fell in a sequence of one after another.
10143#21672 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 21672
◎◎◎ sergeant ⪢⪢
10143#13510 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13510
○○○ sergeant ⪢⪢
10143#2090 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 2090
◎◎◎ serious ⪢⪢
10143#14132 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 14132
○○○ serious ⪢⪢
The accident was very _____ .
10143#14133 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 14133
◎◎◎ sesame ⪢⪢
10143#5446 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 5446
○○○ sesame ⪢⪢
→ bun
10143#22747 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 22747
◎◎◎ session ⪢⪢
10143#10398 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 10398
○○○ session ⪢⪢
10143#20113 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 20113
◎◎◎ sever ⪢⪢
10143#12080 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12080
○○○ sever ⪢⪢
10143#18847 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 18847
◎◎◎ several ⪢⪢
_____ is more than two but not many.
10143#11867 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 11867
○○○ several ⪢⪢
10143#13642 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13642
◎◎◎ shaft ⪢⪢
10143#10518 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 10518
○○○ shaft ⪢⪢
10143#16439 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 16439
◎◎◎ shake ⪢⪢
To _____ is to move back and forth or up and down quickly.
10143#13702 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13702
○○○ shake ⪢⪢
When people _____ hands, it usually means they agree.
10143#13703 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13703
◎◎◎ shape ⪢⪢
A _____ is a simple form like a square or circle.
10143#14323 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 14323
○○○ shape ⪢⪢
The triangle is my favorite _____ .
10143#14324 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 14324
○○○ shatter ⪢⪢
10143#21460 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 21460
◎◎◎ shatter ⪢⪢
To _____ something means to break it suddenly into many tiny pieces.
10143#13162 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13162
◎◎◎ sheer ⪢⪢
If you describe something as _____ , it is complete and very strong.
10143#13511 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13511
○○○ sheer ⪢⪢
I was impressed by her _____ dedication to jogging.
10143#19766 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19766
◎◎◎ sheet ⪢⪢
A _____ is a thin flat piece of paper.
10143#14843 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 14843
○○○ sheet ⪢⪢
I only needed a single _____ of paper to do my homework.
10143#14844 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 14844
◎◎◎ shelter ⪢⪢
◎◎◎ shield ⪢⪢
10143#13231 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13231
○○○ shield ⪢⪢
10143#21516 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 21516
◎◎◎ shiver ⪢⪢
10143#12383 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12383
○○○ shiver ⪢⪢
10143#13537 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13537
◎◎◎ shortcut ⪢⪢
10143#12881 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12881
○○○ shortcut ⪢⪢
10143#19879 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19879
○○○ shout ⪢⪢
My boss _____ed at me because I was late for work.
10143#10063 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 10063
◎◎◎ shout ⪢⪢
To _____ is to say something loudly.
10143#10041 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 10041
◎◎◎ shovel ⪢⪢
10143#4329 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 4329
○○○ shovel ⪢⪢
10143#18636 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 18636
◎◎◎ shrine ⪢⪢
10143#13456 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13456
○○○ shrine ⪢⪢
10143#18825 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 18825
◎◎◎ shrink ⪢⪢
10143#9596 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 9596
◎◎◎ shutter ⪢⪢
10143#13163 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13163
○○○ shutter ⪢⪢
10143#19965 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19965
◎◎◎ sibling ⪢⪢
A sibling is a brother or sister. #grammar
10143#12181 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12181
○○○ sibling ⪢⪢
Jane has two siblings, an older brother and a younger sister.
10143#20511 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 20511
◎◎◎ sideways ⪢⪢
10143#12528 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12528
○○○ sideways ⪢⪢
10143#19006 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19006
◎◎◎ sift ⪢⪢
10143#13164 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13164
○○○ sift ⪢⪢
10143#21468 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 21468
◎◎◎ sight ⪢⪢
A _____ is something interesting to see.
10143#14393 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 14393
○○○ sight ⪢⪢
I saw the pyramids of Egypt. What a _____ !
10143#14500 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 14500
◎◎◎ signature ⪢⪢
10143#13126 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13126
○○○ signature ⪢⪢
10143#21437 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 21437
◎◎◎ signify ⪢⪢
10143#7133 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 7133
○○○ signify ⪢⪢
10143#18548 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 18548
◎◎◎ silly ⪢⪢
10143#14848 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 14848
○○○ silly ⪢⪢
I made a _____ mistake of dropping mom's vase.
10143#14849 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 14849
◎◎◎ simulate ⪢⪢
10143#12674 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12674
○○○ simulate ⪢⪢
10143#19485 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19485
◎◎◎ simultaneous ⪢⪢
10143#12010 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12010
○○○ simultaneous ⪢⪢
The movement of the gears inside the watch were simultaneous.
10143#12963 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12963
◎◎◎ since ⪢⪢
10143#13752 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13752
○○○ since ⪢⪢
_____ 1992, he has been driving that car.
10143#13754 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13754
◎◎◎ single ⪢⪢
If something is _____ , then there is only one.
10143#13934 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13934
○○○ single ⪢⪢
I have a _____ key in my hand.
10143#13935 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13935
◎◎◎ sinister ⪢⪢
10143#12467 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12467
○○○ sinister ⪢⪢
10143#18595 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 18595
◎◎◎ sip ⪢⪢
10143#6264 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 6264
○○○ sip ⪢⪢
→ Liza
10143#18883 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 18883
◎◎◎ site ⪢⪢
A _____ is a place.
10143#14089 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 14089
○○○ site ⪢⪢
We found s perfect _____ for our picnic.
10143#14090 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 14090
◎◎◎ situate ⪢⪢
10143#11968 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 11968
○○○ situate ⪢⪢
10143#9900 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 9900
○○○ skeletal ⪢⪢
10143#3362 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 3362
◎◎◎ skeletal ⪢⪢
10143#4331 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 4331
◎◎◎ skeptic ⪢⪢
10143#12011 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12011
○○○ skeptic ⪢⪢
10143#18826 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 18826
◎◎◎ skinny ⪢⪢
10143#12182 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12182
○○○ skinny ⪢⪢
→ Polly
10143#21464 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 21464
◎◎◎ slab ⪢⪢
10143#12862 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12862
○○○ slab ⪢⪢
10143#18827 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 18827
◎◎◎ slam ⪢⪢
10143#13255 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13255
○○○ slam ⪢⪢
10143#21531 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 21531
◎◎◎ slap ⪢⪢
10143#23016 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 23016
○○○ slap ⪢⪢
10143#10404 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 10404
Pillow English Listening
◎◎◎ slate ⪢⪢
10143#12569 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12569
○○○ slate ⪢⪢
10143#19084 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19084
◎◎◎ slight ⪢⪢
10143#13165 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13165
○○○ slight ⪢⪢
10143#19405 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19405
◎◎◎ slippery ⪢⪢
10143#12988 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12988
◎◎◎ slot ⪢⪢
10143#12140 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12140
○○○ slot ⪢⪢
10143#3590 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 3590
◎◎◎ sly ⪢⪢
10143#13049 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13049
○○○ sly ⪢⪢
10143#18828 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 18828
◎◎◎ smallpox ⪢⪢
10143#12592 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12592
○○○ smallpox ⪢⪢
10143#22840 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 22840
○○○ smash ⪢⪢
10143#10405 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 10405
○○○ smell ⪢⪢
The two friends smelled the flower.
10143#10065 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 10065
◎◎◎ smell ⪢⪢
10143#10064 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 10064
◎◎◎ snap ⪢⪢
10143#13048 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13048
○○○ snap ⪢⪢
10143#21332 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 21332
◎◎◎ snatch ⪢⪢
10143#13372 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13372
○○○ snatch ⪢⪢
10143#18596 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 18596
◎◎◎ snore ⪢⪢
10143#10564 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 10564
○○○ snore ⪢⪢
10143#18800 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 18800
◎◎◎ soak ⪢⪢
10143#9597 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 9597
◎◎◎ soar ⪢⪢
10143#12989 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12989
○○○ soar ⪢⪢
10143#14417 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 14417
◎◎◎ sob ⪢⪢
10143#12529 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12529
○○○ sob ⪢⪢
10143#22780 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 22780
◎◎◎ sober ⪢⪢
10143#12530 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12530
○○○ sober ⪢⪢
10143#19011 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19011
◎◎◎ sociable ⪢⪢
10143#12384 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12384
○○○ sociable ⪢⪢
10143#13519 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13519
◎◎◎ socialize ⪢⪢
10143#12486 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12486
○○○ socialize ⪢⪢
10143#22774 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 22774
◎◎◎ sodium ⪢⪢
10143#12854 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12854
○○○ sodium ⪢⪢
→ chloride
10143#18597 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 18597
◎◎◎ solar ⪢⪢
If something is solar, it is related to the sun.
10143#13489 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13489
○○○ solar ⪢⪢
Using solar energy is good for the environment.
10143#26423 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 26423
◎◎◎ sole ⪢⪢
10143#13295 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13295
○○○ sole ⪢⪢
10143#19406 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19406
◎◎◎ solemn ⪢⪢
10143#12855 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12855
○○○ solemn ⪢⪢
10143#18829 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 18829
◎◎◎ solidarity ⪢⪢
10143#12748 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12748
○○○ solidarity ⪢⪢
10143#17902 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 17902
◎◎◎ solitary ⪢⪢
10143#12222 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12222
○○○ solitary ⪢⪢
The only thing in the room was a solitary chair.
10143#21272 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 21272
◎◎◎ solitude ⪢⪢
10143#13457 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13457
○○○ solitude ⪢⪢
10143#28433 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 28433
◎◎◎ solution ⪢⪢
10143#19972 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19972
○○○ solution ⪢⪢
There are many problems. We need _____s.
10143#19973 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19973
◎◎◎ solve ⪢⪢
10143#13643 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13643
○○○ solve ⪢⪢
10143#13644 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13644
◎◎◎ soothe ⪢⪢
10143#12440 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12440
○○○ soothe ⪢⪢
10143#18428 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 18428
◎◎◎ soothing ⪢⪢
10143#22900 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 22900
○○○ soothing ⪢⪢
10143#22901 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 22901
◎◎◎ sophisticated ⪢⪢
10143#13103 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13103
○○○ sophisticated ⪢⪢
10143#28184 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 28184
◎◎◎ soundly ⪢⪢
If something is done _____ , then it is done in the best or most complete way.
10143#10577 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 10577
○○○ soundly ⪢⪢
10143#22728 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 22728
◎◎◎ sour ⪢⪢
10143#22949 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 22949
○○○ sour ⪢⪢
I don't like lemons because I think they are too _____ .
10143#22950 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 22950
◎◎◎ source ⪢⪢
A _____ of something is the place that it comes from.
10143#13208 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13208
○○○ source ⪢⪢
The river was the _____ of drinking water for the village.
10143#21521 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 21521
◎◎◎ space ⪢⪢
A space is an empty area.
10143#14325 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 14325
○○○ space ⪢⪢
10143#14326 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 14326
◎◎◎ spark ⪢⪢
10143#13010 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13010
◎◎◎ sparkle ⪢⪢
10143#13166 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13166
○○○ sparkle ⪢⪢
10143#14428 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 14428
◎◎◎ sparse ⪢⪢
10143#8878 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 8878
○○○ sparse ⪢⪢
10143#22766 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 22766
◎◎◎ spatial ⪢⪢
10143#12012 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12012
○○○ spatial ⪢⪢
10143#12964 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12964
◎◎◎ specify ⪢⪢
To specify is to describe something clearly.
10143#12013 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12013
○○○ specify ⪢⪢
10143#12968 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12968
◎◎◎ speck ⪢⪢
10143#12531 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12531
○○○ speck ⪢⪢
10143#18830 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 18830
◎◎◎ spectator ⪢⪢
10143#19935 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19935
○○○ spectator ⪢⪢
There were thousands of spectators at the big game.
10143#19936 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19936
◎◎◎ spectrum ⪢⪢
10143#12223 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12223
◎◎◎ spend ⪢⪢
10143#14134 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 14134
○○○ spend ⪢⪢
I like to _____ my free time fishing.
10143#14135 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 14135
◎◎◎ sphere ⪢⪢
10143#12224 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12224
○○○ sphere ⪢⪢
10143#21363 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 21363
○○○ spiral ⪢⪢
10143#5380 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 5380
◎◎◎ spiral ⪢⪢
10143#12161 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12161
◎◎◎ spirit ⪢⪢
10143#13011 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13011
◎◎◎ spit ⪢⪢
10143#12831 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12831
○○○ spit ⪢⪢
He emerged from the pool and spit water from his mouth.
10143#19407 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19407
◎◎◎ splendid ⪢⪢
If someone or something is _____ , then they are very good.
10143#12607 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12607
○○○ splendid ⪢⪢
10143#22844 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 22844
◎◎◎ spontaneous ⪢⪢
10143#11950 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 11950
○○○ spontaneous ⪢⪢
My wife made a _____ decision to buy a new sofa while I was at work.
10143#3863 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 3863
◎◎◎ spot ⪢⪢
10143#14569 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 14569
○○○ spot ⪢⪢
10143#14570 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 14570
◎◎◎ spread ⪢⪢
To _____ is to move quickly to more places.
10143#13704 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13704
○○○ spread ⪢⪢
I like to _____ butter on my toast.
10143#13705 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13705
◎◎◎ sprinkle ⪢⪢
10143#13167 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13167
○○○ sprinkle ⪢⪢
10143#18598 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 18598
◎◎◎ sprint ⪢⪢
10143#12832 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12832
○○○ sprint ⪢⪢
The kids didn't want to be late to school so they sprinted to the bus stop.
10143#19922 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19922
◎◎◎ spur ⪢⪢
10143#12675 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12675
○○○ spur ⪢⪢
10143#18831 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 18831
◎◎◎ stab ⪢⪢
10143#12081 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12081
○○○ stab ⪢⪢
10143#14534 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 14534
◎◎◎ stagger ⪢⪢
10143#13373 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13373
○○○ stagger ⪢⪢
10143#18834 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 18834
◎◎◎ stair ⪢⪢
10143#14327 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 14327
○○○ stair ⪢⪢
10143#14328 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 14328
◎◎◎ staircase ⪢⪢
→ inside
10143#13256 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13256
○○○ staircase ⪢⪢
10143#19277 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19277
◎◎◎ stake ⪢⪢
10143#12945 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12945
○○○ stake ⪢⪢
10143#2074 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 2074
◎◎◎ stale ⪢⪢
10143#13168 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13168
○○○ stale ⪢⪢
10143#21475 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 21475
◎◎◎ stall ⪢⪢
10143#12291 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12291
○○○ stall ⪢⪢
10143#21610 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 21610
◎◎◎ stance ⪢⪢
10143#13512 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13512
○○○ stance ⪢⪢
10143#18599 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 18599
◎◎◎ staple ⪢⪢
10143#12811 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12811
○○○ staple ⪢⪢
10143#22867 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 22867
◎◎◎ stark ⪢⪢
10143#13458 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13458
○○○ stark ⪢⪢
There's a stark contrast between their test scores. #bookmark
10143#18602 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 18602
○○○ state ⪢⪢
10143#21641 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 21641
○○○ status ⪢⪢
10143#21340 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 21340
◎◎◎ status ⪢⪢
10143#12225 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12225
◎◎◎ statute ⪢⪢
10143#12812 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12812
○○○ statute ⪢⪢
10143#18312 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 18312
◎◎◎ step ⪢⪢
To step is to walk.
10143#13992 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13992
○○○ step ⪢⪢
10143#14017 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 14017
◎◎◎ stereotype ⪢⪢
10143#12261 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12261
○○○ stereotype ⪢⪢
10143#21489 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 21489
◎◎◎ sterile ⪢⪢
10143#12632 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12632
○○○ sterile ⪢⪢
10143#18601 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 18601
◎◎◎ stern ⪢⪢
10143#13209 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13209
○○○ stern ⪢⪢
10143#21507 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 21507
◎◎◎ steward ⪢⪢
10143#22953 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 22953
○○○ steward ⪢⪢
10143#22954 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 22954
◎◎◎ sticky ⪢⪢
10143#12262 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12262
○○○ sticky ⪢⪢
10143#28598 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 28598
◎◎◎ still ⪢⪢
10143#14018 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 14018
○○○ still ⪢⪢
They are _____ waiting in line to get tickets.
10143#14019 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 14019
◎◎◎ stimulate ⪢⪢
10143#12676 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12676
○○○ stimulate ⪢⪢
Doctors sometimes use electric shock to stimulate a patient's heartbeat.
10143#19486 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19486
◎◎◎ stimulus ⪢⪢
A stimulus is something that causes growth or activity.
10143#12082 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12082
○○○ stimulus ⪢⪢
10143#14535 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 14535
◎◎◎ stitch ⪢⪢
To _____ is to use a needle and thread to join pieces of cloth together.
10143#13210 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13210
○○○ stitch ⪢⪢
10143#19408 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19408
◎◎◎ stool ⪢⪢
10143#12570 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12570
○○○ stool ⪢⪢
10143#19085 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19085
◎◎◎ store ⪢⪢
A _____ is a place where you can buy things.
10143#14850 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 14850
○○○ store ⪢⪢
I picked up a few things at the grocery _____ .
10143#14851 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 14851
◎◎◎ stormy ⪢⪢
10143#13232 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13232
○○○ stormy ⪢⪢
10143#26339 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 26339
○○○ straightforward ⪢⪢
10143#20969 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 20969
◎◎◎ straightforward ⪢⪢
10143#12204 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12204
◎◎◎ stranded ⪢⪢
10143#12441 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12441
○○○ stranded ⪢⪢
10143#18413 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 18413
◎◎◎ strange ⪢⪢
When something is _____ , it is not normal.
10143#14136 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 14136
○○○ strange ⪢⪢
10143#14137 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 14137
◎◎◎ strap ⪢⪢
10143#7139 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 7139
○○○ strap ⪢⪢
She put the strap of her purse over her shoulder and walked out of the door. #bookmark
10143#18552 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 18552
◎◎◎ strategy ⪢⪢
10143#13438 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13438
○○○ strategy ⪢⪢
10143#26424 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 26424
◎◎◎ stray ⪢⪢
To _____ means to go in a wrong direction and often become lost.
10143#12608 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12608
○○○ stray ⪢⪢
10143#22845 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 22845
◎◎◎ streak ⪢⪢
10143#12907 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12907
○○○ streak ⪢⪢
10143#20505 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 20505
◎◎◎ stricken ⪢⪢
10143#13354 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13354
○○○ stricken ⪢⪢
10143#21749 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 21749
◎◎◎ strife ⪢⪢
10143#12468 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12468
○○○ strife ⪢⪢
10143#18959 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 18959
◎◎◎ string ⪢⪢
10143#12948 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12948
◎◎◎ stroll ⪢⪢
To _____ means to walk slowly and calmly.
10143#13706 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13706
○○○ stroll ⪢⪢
10143#13707 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13707
◎◎◎ structure ⪢⪢
A _____ is a building.
10143#14571 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 14571
○○○ structure ⪢⪢
10143#14572 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 14572
○○○ stuff ⪢⪢
We gave a lot of stuff to the charity.
10143#21589 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 21589
◎◎◎ stumble ⪢⪢
10143#13374 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13374
○○○ stumble ⪢⪢
→ puddle
10143#19221 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19221
◎◎◎ stun ⪢⪢
10143#12510 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12510
○○○ stun ⪢⪢
10143#18992 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 18992
◎◎◎ stunt ⪢⪢
10143#12833 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12833
○○○ stunt ⪢⪢
10143#19923 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19923
◎◎◎ subconscious ⪢⪢
10143#13128 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13128
○○○ subconscious ⪢⪢
Breathing is one of the subconscious things that the body does.
10143#21559 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 21559
◎◎◎ subject ⪢⪢
To subject someone to something means to force them to do or experience it.
10143#12652 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12652
◎◎◎ subject ⪢⪢
a topic that is being discussed or taught
10143#13080 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13080
○○○ subject ⪢⪢
The officer subjected everyone to a careful search before they left the plane.
10143#19309 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19309
○○○ subject ⪢⪢
The subject of Marco's speech was the economy.
10143#19310 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19310
◎◎◎ submerge ⪢⪢
To submerge something means to put it below the surface of a liquid.
10143#12122 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12122
○○○ submerge ⪢⪢
The whale submerged its huge body into the ocean.
10143#26411 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 26411
◎◎◎ subscribe ⪢⪢
10143#12790 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12790
○○○ subscribe ⪢⪢
10143#19948 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19948
◎◎◎ subsist ⪢⪢
10143#12791 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12791
○○○ subsist ⪢⪢
10143#8413 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 8413
○○○ substantial ⪢⪢
The bank said that he owed it a substantial amount of money. #bookmark
10143#19404 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19404
◎◎◎ substantial ⪢⪢
10143#12609 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12609
○○○ substitute ⪢⪢
10143#1312 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 1312
◎◎◎ substitute ⪢⪢
10143#12308 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12308
◎◎◎ subtle ⪢⪢
When something is subtle, it is not easy to see or notice.
10143#22904 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 22904
○○○ subtle ⪢⪢
The handsome man has a subtle smile.
10143#22906 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 22906
◎◎◎ success ⪢⪢
_____ is doing something well that you choose to do.
10143#13938 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13938
○○○ success ⪢⪢
My daughter was a big _____ at school.
10143#13939 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13939
◎◎◎ succession ⪢⪢
10143#3890 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 3890
◎◎◎ sudden ⪢⪢
10143#13870 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13870
○○○ sudden ⪢⪢
10143#13871 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13871
◎◎◎ suddenly ⪢⪢
10143#13645 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13645
○○○ suddenly ⪢⪢
10143#13653 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13653
◎◎◎ suffer ⪢⪢
To _____ is to feel pain.
10143#14852 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 14852
○○○ suffer ⪢⪢
Her headache made her suffer all day.
10143#14853 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 14853
◎◎◎ suit ⪢⪢
10143#13012 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13012
◎◎◎ sum ⪢⪢
A sum is a specific amount of money.
10143#13314 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13314
○○○ sum ⪢⪢
10143#21734 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 21734
◎◎◎ summon ⪢⪢
10143#13459 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13459
○○○ summon ⪢⪢
10143#18857 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 18857
◎◎◎ superintendent ⪢⪢
10143#10659 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 10659
○○○ superintendent ⪢⪢
10143#18812 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 18812
◎◎◎ supernatural ⪢⪢
10143#12292 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12292
○○○ supernatural ⪢⪢
The dragon had supernatural powers such as flying and breathing fire.
10143#20903 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 20903
◎◎◎ supervise ⪢⪢
10143#11969 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 11969
○○○ supervise ⪢⪢
Allen supervised the construction workers to ensure everyone's safety.
10143#19403 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19403
◎◎◎ supply ⪢⪢
10143#3431 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 3431
◎◎◎ suppose ⪢⪢
To _____ is to guess.
10143#13655 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13655
○○○ suppose ⪢⪢
I _____ I should go home now.
10143#13656 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13656
◎◎◎ suppress ⪢⪢
10143#12487 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12487
○○○ suppress ⪢⪢
→ urge
10143#19751 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19751
◎◎◎ surgeon ⪢⪢
→ surgery
10143#12309 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12309
○○○ surgeon ⪢⪢
10143#15760 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 15760
◎◎◎ surplus ⪢⪢
10143#8910 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 8910
○○○ surplus ⪢⪢
10143#18900 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 18900
◎◎◎ surrender ⪢⪢
10143#13104 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13104
○○○ surrender ⪢⪢
10143#21381 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 21381
◎◎◎ survive ⪢⪢
10143#13797 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13797
○○○ survive ⪢⪢
10143#13798 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13798
◎◎◎ susceptible ⪢⪢
10143#12511 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12511
○○○ susceptible ⪢⪢
10143#18993 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 18993
◎◎◎ suspend ⪢⪢
To suspend something means to delay or stop it from happening for a while.
10143#12792 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12792
○○○ suspend ⪢⪢
10143#19073 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19073
○○○ suspicion ⪢⪢
10143#19959 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19959
◎◎◎ suspicion ⪢⪢
A _____ is a feeling that something is possible or true in a crime.
10143#12083 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12083
○○○ sustenance ⪢⪢
10143#11661 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 11661
◎◎◎ sustenance ⪢⪢
10143#17640 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 17640
◎◎◎ swamp ⪢⪢
10143#13394 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13394
○○○ swamp ⪢⪢
10143#28583 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 28583
◎◎◎ swarm ⪢⪢
10143#12717 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12717
○○○ swarm ⪢⪢
10143#11920 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 11920
◎◎◎ sway ⪢⪢
To sway is to move slowly from side to side.
10143#13233 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13233
○○○ sway ⪢⪢
10143#19581 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19581
◎◎◎ sweep ⪢⪢
→ broom
10143#13296 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 13296
○○○ sweep ⪢⪢
10143#19111 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19111
◎◎◎ switch ⪢⪢
To switch means to change something to something else.
10143#12970 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12970
◎◎◎ symbol ⪢⪢
10143#14329 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 14329
○○○ symbol ⪢⪢
10143#14330 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 14330
◎◎◎ symmetry ⪢⪢
10143#11970 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 11970
○○○ symmetry ⪢⪢
10143#21278 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 21278
◎◎◎ synthesis ⪢⪢
A _____ is a combination of different ideas or styles.
10143#12793 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 12793
○○○ synthesis ⪢⪢
→ genre
10143#18589 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 18589
