EngliSea > G > Greece
○○○ 12 Olympians ⪢⪢
Zeus, Poseidon, Aid, Ares, Apollo, Hermes, Hephaestus, Hera, Athena, Aphrodite, Artemis, and Dionysus #Greece #front #bookmark
16589#9498 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 9498
○○○ 12 Major Dieties ⪢⪢
Jupiter, Neptune, Pluton, Mars, February, Mercury, Volcano, Juno, Minerva, Venus, Diana and Bacchus #Greece #front #bookmark
16589#9550 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 9550
○○○ Aegean Sea ⪢⪢
Ancient Greece was born on the shores of the _____ about 4,000 years ago. #Greece
16589#15472 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 15472
⨀⨀⨀ alpha Αα ⪢⪢
#third #math #Greece
16589#24544 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24544
○○○ antiquity ⪢⪢
16589#29093 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 29093
⨀⨀⨀ Aphrodite ⪢⪢
Goddess of Love #Greece
16589#24125 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24125
⨀⨀⨀ Apollo ⪢⪢
God of Music and Light #Greece
16589#24226 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24226
⨀⨀⨀ Aquarius ⪢⪢
16589#24345 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24345
⨀⨀⨀ Ares ⪢⪢
God of War → Aires #Greece
16589#24126 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24126
○○○ Ariadne ⪢⪢
On his way, he meets _____ , the daughter of Minos, who falls in love with him. #Greece
16589#3984 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 3984
⨀⨀⨀ Aries ⪢⪢
→ Ares #Greece
16589#24233 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24233
⨀⨀⨀ Artemis ⪢⪢
Goddess of the Hunt #Greece
16589#24122 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24122
⨀⨀⨀ Athena ⪢⪢
Goddess of Wisdom #Greece
16589#24230 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24230
○○○ Athens ⪢⪢
_____ and the Aegean Sea that surrounds it is the country's core. #Greece #grammar
16589#29094 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 29094
○○○ barrier ⪢⪢
The Rhodope and Pindus mountains form natural _____s with its northern neighbors. #Greece
16589#29089 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 29089
⨀⨀⨀ beta Ββ ⪢⪢
#third #math #Greece
16589#24546 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24546
○○○ border ⪢⪢
It _____s Albania, Macedonia, Bulgaria and Turkey. #Greece
16589#29088 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 29088
◎◎◎ Cancer ⪢⪢
The sign of _____ is depicted by a crab. #Greece
16589#24228 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24228
⨀⨀⨀ Capricorn ⪢⪢
16589#24237 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24237
⨀⨀⨀ Centaurs ⪢⪢
16589#24257 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24257
⨀⨀⨀ Cephalonia ⪢⪢
#place #Greece
16589#15027 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 15027
○○○ Cerberus ⪢⪢
_____ is the gate keeper of Hades. #Greece
16589#24256 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24256
⨀⨀⨀ chi Χχ ⪢⪢
#third #math #Greece
16589#24568 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24568
⨀⨀⨀ Chimera ⪢⪢
16589#24254 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24254
○○○ coastline ⪢⪢
The Aegean, Mediterranean and Ionian seas surround Greece giving it one of the world's longest _____s. #Greece
16589#29090 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 29090
⨀⨀⨀ Corfu ⪢⪢
#place #Greece
16589#17171 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 17171
⨀⨀⨀ Crete ⪢⪢
#place #Greece
16589#17279 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 17279
⨀⨀⨀ Cyclopes ⪢⪢
16589#24259 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24259
○○○ Cyprus ⪢⪢
Travelers would change boats in various ports as they moved up the coasts of Lebanon, _____ and the islands of the southern Aegean. #Greece
16589#24350 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24350
○○○ Daedalus ⪢⪢
Minos, in a rage, locks up the designer of the maze, _____ . #Greece
16589#29063 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 29063
○○○ Delos ⪢⪢
The island of Delos was one of the most important places in the ancient Greek world. #place #Greece
16589#7290 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 7290
⨀⨀⨀ delta Δδ ⪢⪢
#third #math #Greece
16589#24548 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24548
○○○ Demeter ⪢⪢
Every year, before the ancient Greeks sowed their seeds of grain, they celebrated _____ , the goddess of agriculture. #Greece
16589#24078 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24078
⨀⨀⨀ epsilon Εε ⪢⪢
#third #math #Greece
16589#24549 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24549
⨀⨀⨀ eta Ηη ⪢⪢
#third #math #Greece
16589#24551 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24551
○○○ Etruscan ⪢⪢
→ assimilation #Greece
16589#28341 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 28341
○○○ Eurydice ⪢⪢
Orpheus lived with his wife _____ who loved him very deeply. #Greece
16589#24132 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24132
○○○ Friday ⪢⪢
And Friday. Well, the only planet left is Venus, goddess of love. The Anglo-Saxen goddess of love was Frigg and this is her day. #front #Greece
16589#10401 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 10401
○○○ Galatea ⪢⪢
_____ , the statue of Pygmalion, was alive. #Greece
16589#24224 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24224
⨀⨀⨀ gamma Γγ ⪢⪢
#third #math #Greece
16589#24547 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24547
⨀⨀⨀ Gemini ⪢⪢
16589#24234 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24234
○○○ Hades ⪢⪢
So one day, when Persephone was picking flowers, the earth opened beneath her feet and _____ came out of the earth with his chariot and black horses. #Greece
16589#24240 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24240
○○○ Helios ⪢⪢
And she asked _____ , the Sun God, if he knew what had happened to Persephone. #bookmark #Greece
16589#24242 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24242
⨀⨀⨀ Hera ⪢⪢
Goddess of Marriage #Greece
16589#24227 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24227
○○○ Hercules ⪢⪢
16589#29120 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 29120
⨀⨀⨀ Hermes ⪢⪢
God of Thieves and Travelers #Greece
16589#24124 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24124
○○○ Hestia ⪢⪢
_____ drank too much and got tired, so she lied down for a carefree nap. #Greece
16589#28444 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 28444
⨀⨀⨀ Hydra ⪢⪢
#place #Greece
16589#11522 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 11522
⨀⨀⨀ Hydra ⪢⪢
16589#24262 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24262
○○○ Icarus ⪢⪢
But he too escapes along with his ill-fated son, _____ , on waxen wings. #Greece
16589#29064 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 29064
○○○ Iliad ⪢⪢
Their heroism was often turned into legend thanks to literary works like "The _____". #Greece
16589#29074 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 29074
⨀⨀⨀ iota Ιι ⪢⪢
#third #math #Greece
16589#24554 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24554
⨀⨀⨀ kappa Κκ ⪢⪢
#third #math #Greece
16589#24555 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24555
⨀⨀⨀ lambda Λλ ⪢⪢
#third #math #Greece
16589#24556 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24556
⨀⨀⨀ Leo ⪢⪢
16589#24346 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24346
⨀⨀⨀ Libra ⪢⪢
16589#24235 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24235
⨀⨀⨀ Medusa ⪢⪢
16589#24255 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24255
⨀⨀⨀ Milos ⪢⪢
#place #Greece
16589#17165 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 17165
○○○ Minos ⪢⪢
The Minoan Civilization named after _____ , the legendary king of Crete, was also called the Aegean Civilization. #Greece
16589#24225 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24225
○○○ Minotaur ⪢⪢
The great legend tells of a monstrous figure, the _____ , half-man, half-bull, born of the union of a while bull with Pasiphae, king minos's wife. #Greece
16589#29115 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 29115
○○○ Monday ⪢⪢
Monday is moon day. Roman mythology had the moon goddess Luna which is why French has Lundi, Spanish Lunes, but here English substituted its own old English word for moon, Mona. #front #Greece
16589#10423 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 10423
⨀⨀⨀ mu Μμ ⪢⪢
#third #math #Greece
16589#24558 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24558
⨀⨀⨀ Mykonos ⪢⪢
#place #Greece
16589#17239 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 17239
○○○ myth ⪢⪢
Before science and psychology provided answers about our world, people used _____ to explain strange things in nature; the creation of the world and human actions and emotions. Different cultures had different stories to try to explain things.
16589#3709 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 3709
○○○ mythology ⪢⪢
Most myths have supernatural beings or events. Greek _____ is the most popular and influential but many cultures around the world had their own tales and stories.
16589#9893 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 9893
⨀⨀⨀ Naxos ⪢⪢
#place #Greece
16589#17235 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 17235
⨀⨀⨀ nu Νν ⪢⪢
#third #math #Greece
16589#24559 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24559
○○○ Oia ⪢⪢
_____ is the postcard image of the Greek isles. #place #Greece
16589#4946 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 4946
⨀⨀⨀ omega Ωω ⪢⪢
#third #math #Greece
16589#24570 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24570
⨀⨀⨀ omicron Οο ⪢⪢
#third #math #Greece
16589#24561 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24561
○○○ Orpheus ⪢⪢
Once upon a time there lived a great musician in Greece called _____ . #Greece
⨀⨀⨀ Paros ⪢⪢
#place #Greece
16589#17158 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 17158
○○○ Parthenon ⪢⪢
Plus, they developed three types of columns and incorporated them to structures like the _____ . #Greece
16589#29079 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 29079
⨀⨀⨀ Pegasus ⪢⪢
16589#24261 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24261
○○○ Persephone ⪢⪢
_____ was the sweet daughter of Demeter, the goddess of harvest and fertility, and Zeus, the king of the gods. #front #Greece
16589#24238 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24238
⨀⨀⨀ phi Φφ ⪢⪢
#third #math #Greece
16589#24567 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24567
⨀⨀⨀ pi Ππ ⪢⪢
#third #math #Greece
16589#24562 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24562
⨀⨀⨀ Pisces ⪢⪢
16589#24797 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24797
○○○ Pluto ⪢⪢
When _____ was discovered in 1930, it was named the 9th planet of the solar system. More than 75 years later, that planetary status revoked and _____ was demoted to a dwarf planet. → revoke, demote #Greece
16589#11711 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 11711
○○○ Polyphemus ⪢⪢
_____ is the son of Poseidon, God of the sea, and a sea nymph known as Thoosa. #Greece
16589#24260 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24260
⨀⨀⨀ Poseidon ⪢⪢
God of the Sea #Greece
16589#24231 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24231
○○○ Priapus ⪢⪢
_____ was wandering back and forth looking for a sexual encounter. #Greece
16589#28445 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 28445
⨀⨀⨀ psi Ψψ ⪢⪢
#third #math #Greece
16589#24569 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24569
○○○ Rhea ⪢⪢
_____ invited the eternal gods, satyrs and nymphs to her feast. #Greece
16589#19801 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 19801
Songs in Easy English
⨀⨀⨀ rho Ρρ ⪢⪢
#third #math #Greece
16589#24563 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24563
⨀⨀⨀ Sagittarius ⪢⪢
16589#24236 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24236
⨀⨀⨀ Santorini ⪢⪢
#place #Greece
16589#17242 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 17242
○○○ Saturday ⪢⪢
In Latin Saturday was dies Saturni, day of Saturn, god of agriculture. English stuck with that idea for Saturday. #front #Greece
16589#10409 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 10409
⨀⨀⨀ Satyrs ⪢⪢
16589#24253 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24253
⨀⨀⨀ Scorpio ⪢⪢
16589#24347 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24347
○○○ Selenus ⪢⪢
_____ , the god of drunkenness showed up uninvited. #Greece
16589#27617 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 27617
⨀⨀⨀ sigma Σσ ⪢⪢
#third #math #Greece
16589#24564 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24564
○○○ Sparta ⪢⪢
16589#29073 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 29073
⨀⨀⨀ Sphinx ⪢⪢
16589#24252 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24252
○○○ Sunday ⪢⪢
In ancient Latin Sunday was Dies Solis for the Sun God but in the Christian era it was renamed Domonicas for lord's day. Most of the Romance languages use a desendant of that but in English and Germanic languages it is still named for the sun. #Greece
16589#10327 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 10327
⨀⨀⨀ tau Ττ ⪢⪢
#third #math #Greece
16589#24565 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24565
⨀⨀⨀ Taurus ⪢⪢
16589#24342 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24342
○○○ Theseus ⪢⪢
Eventually _____ , the son of the king of Athens, decides to kill the Minotaur. #Greece
16589#3925 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 3925
⨀⨀⨀ theta Θθ ⪢⪢
#third #math #Greece
16589#24552 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24552
○○○ Thor ⪢⪢
In ancient Rome Jupiter or Jove, the sky god of thunder, a pretty good match for Thor. #bookmark #Greece
16589#10393 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 10393
○○○ Tuesday ⪢⪢
Tuesday is Mars day. But the Anglo-saxons had their own sky god of war named Tiw or Tyr in Norse Mythology known as the one-handed war god (due to his hand having been bitten off by a wolf). #front #Greece
16589#10356 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 10356
⨀⨀⨀ upsilon Υυ ⪢⪢
#third #math #Greece
16589#24566 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24566
⨀⨀⨀ Virgo ⪢⪢
16589#24222 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24222
○○○ Wednesday ⪢⪢
The reason that _____ is spelled so funny is because it's actually Woden's day. Woden was the big guy of Germanic mythology and the creator of the universe and master of hunting and war while the Roman god Mercury was a mere messenger to the gods. #Greece
16589#10384 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 10384
⨀⨀⨀ xi Ξξ ⪢⪢
#third #math #Greece
16589#24560 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24560
⨀⨀⨀ Zakynthos ⪢⪢
#place #Greece #front
16589#17160 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 17160
⨀⨀⨀ zeta Ζζ ⪢⪢
#third #math #Greece
16589#24550 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24550
⨀⨀⨀ Zeus ⪢⪢
God of the Sky #Greece
16589#24232 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 24232
