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Whether differential or integral both concepts involve the idea that we can do something infinately many times and get a finite answer that is useful.
 Calculus  summary
Calculus summary
5028#9444 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 9444
Calculus summary
When x changes by h, the ratio of a change in F(x) to the change in x that caused it, is equal to (F(x+h)−F(x))/h. As h approaches 0, the limit of the ratio becomes a value. A function that maps x to this limit is called the derivative of F(x). 「(F(x+h)− ...
5028#3653 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 3653
01 The Greeks, Newton and Leibniz
○ Many students quit math entirely when they get up to this point, mainly out of fear. ○ We will get to some of those in due time as well. ○ What challenge could possibly have necessitated the development of calculus?
5028#5032 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 5032
01 The Greeks, Newton and Leibniz
Whether differential or integral both concepts involve the idea that we can do something infinately many times and get a finite answer that is useful.
5028#9535 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 9535
02 The Slope of a Tangent Line
5028#5033 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 5033
03 Rates of Change
Galileo had already discovered some years prior that the distance traveled by a falling object is represented by a function of time. Newton wondered how one could calculate the velocity of the object at any particular instance during the fall.
5028#5034 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 5034
04 Limits and Limit Laws in Calculus
Asymptote: a straight line approached by a given curve as one of the variables in the equation of the curve approaches infinity
5028#5029 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 5029
05 What is a Derivative?
What is a Derivative? Deriving the Power Rule
5028#5051 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 5051
06 Derivatives of Polynomial Functions
5028#5052 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 5052
06 Power Rule proof
Definition of differentiation (x˄n)▽x = 「((x+h)˄−x˄n)/h :h⨠0」 Binomial Expansion (x+h)˄n = 「n!/((n−k)!·k!)·x˄(n−k)·h˄k Σk=0,n」 (x+h)˄n − x˄n = 「n!/((n−k)!·k!)·x˄(n−k)·h˄k Σk=1,n」 ((x+h)˄n−x˄n) / h = 「n!/((n−k)!·k!)·x˄(n−k)·h˄(k−1) Σk=1,n」 「((x+h)˄n−x˄ ...
5028#9687 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 9687
06 Product Rule proof
(f(x)·g(x))▽x = 「(f(x+h)·g(x+h)−f(x)·g(x))/h :h⨠0」 = 「(f(x+h)·g(x+h)−f(x+h)·g(x)+f(x+h)·g(x)−f(x)·g(x))/h :h⨠0」 ┅ −f(x+h)·g(x)+f(x+h)·g(x) inserted ┅ = 「(f(x+h)·g(x+h)−f(x+h)·g(x))/h :h⨠0」 + 「(f(x+h)·g(x)−f(x)·g(x))/h :h⨠0」 ┅ split up into two limits ┅ ...
5028#9689 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 9689
06 Quotient Rule proof
(f(x)/g(x))▽x = 「(f(x+h)/g(x+h)−f(x)/g(x))/h :h⨠0」 = 「(f(x+h)·g(x)−f(x)·g(x+h))/(g(x+h)·g(x))/h :h⨠0」 ➊ = 「(f(x+h)·g(x)−f(x)·g(x+h))/h/(g(x+h)·g(x)) :h⨠0」 = 「(f(x+h)·g(x)−f(x)·g(x+h))/h :h⨠0」 · 「1/(g(x+h)·g(x)) :h⨠0」 = 「((f(x+h)−f(x))·g(x)−f(x)·(g(x+h)−g( ...
5028#9692 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 9692
06 Taylor and Maclaurin Series
5028#5104 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 5104
06 Taylor and Maclaurin Series
○ Power Series 「cₙ·x˄n Σn=0,∞」 ○ Taylor Series 「f(x)▽ⁿx「a」/n!·(x−a)˄n Σn=0,∞」 ○ Maclaurin Series 「f(x)▽ⁿx「0」/n!·x˄n Σn=0,∞」 ┅ f(x)▽⁰x = c₀·(x−a)˄0 + c₁·(x−a)˄1 + c₂·(x−a)˄2 + c₃·(x−a)˄3 + ... = 「cₙ·(x−a)˄n Σn=0,∞」 f(x)▽⁰x「a」 = c₀ = c₀·0! c₀ = f(x)▽⁰x「a」/ ...
5028#9697 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 9697
07 Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions
5028#5053 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 5053
08 Chain Rule
5028#5054 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 5054
08 Chain Rule
Derivatives of composite functions
5028#9695 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 9695
08 Chain Rule proof
Definition of differentiation f(g(x))▽x = 「(f(g(x+h))−f(g(x)))/h :h⨠0」 = 「(f(g(x+h))−f(g(x)))/(g(x+h)−g(x))·(g(x+h)−g(x))/h :h⨠0」 = 「(f(g(x+h))−f(g(x)))/(g(x+h)−g(x)) :h⨠0」·「(g(x+h)−g(x))/h :h⨠0」 ᐥ Let g(x+h)−g(x) = t, then 「t :h⨠0」 = 0 and g(x+h) = g(x) ...
5028#9693 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 9693
09 Derivatives of Logarithmic and Exponential Functions
Derivatives of Logarithmic and Exponential Functions
5028#3387 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 3387
Songs in Easy English
17 What is Integration?
○ Finding the Area Under a Curve ○ tinker, articulation, solidify
5028#5123 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 5123
18 The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
Redefining Integration
5028#3415 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 3415
18 The fundamental theorem of calculus
If f is Riemann integrable on [a,b] and F(x) is the integral of f(t) from a to b then F is continuous on [a,b]. Furthermore, if f is continuous on [a,b] then F is differentiable on [a,b] and F' = f.
5028#5193 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 5193
19 Properties of Integrals and Evaluating Definite Integrals
Properties of Integrals and Evaluating Definite Integrals
5028#3416 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 3416
20 Evaluating Indefinite Integrals
Evaluating Indefinite Integrals
5028#3417 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 3417
21 Evaluating Integrals With Trigonometric Functions
Evaluating Integrals With Trigonometric Functions
5028#3418 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 3418
22 Integration Using The Substitution Rule
Integration Using The Substitution Rule
5028#3419 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 3419
23 Integration By Parts
Integration By Parts
5028#3420 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 3420
24 Integration by Trigonometric Substitution
Integration by Trigonometric Substitution
5028#3421 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 3421
25 Advanced Strategy for Integration in Calculus
Advanced Strategy for Integration in Calculus
5028#3422 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 3422
26 Evaluating Improper Integrals
Evaluating Improper Integrals
5028#3423 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 3423
27 Finding the Area Between Two Curves by Integration
Finding the Area Between Two Curves by Integration
5028#3424 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 3424
28 Calculating the Volume of a Solid of Revolution by Integration
5028#3425 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 3425
29 Calculating Volume by Cylindrical Shells
5028#3426 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 3426
30 The Mean Value Theorem For Integrals: Average Value of a Function
The Mean Value Theorem For Integrals: Average Value of a Function
5028#3427 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 3427
Double and Triple Integrals - YouTube
5028#6899 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 6899
How to read
How to read calculus termsIn-line Notationread out loudsay out loudverbally
