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Whether differential or integral both concepts involve the idea that we can do something infinately many times and get a finite answer that is useful.
 Calculus  summary
Calculus summary
5028#9444 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 9444
Calculus summary
When x changes by h, the ratio of a change in F(x) to the change in x that caused it, is equal to (F(x+h)−F(x))/h. As h approaches 0, the limit of the ratio becomes a value. A function that maps x to this limit is called the derivative of F(x). 「(F(x+h)− ...
5028#3653 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 3653
01 The Greeks, Newton and Leibniz
○ Many students quit math entirely when they get up to this point, mainly out of fear. ○ We will get to some of those in due time as well. ○ What challenge could possibly have necessitated the development of calculus?
5028#5032 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 5032
01 The Greeks, Newton and Leibniz
Whether differential or integral both concepts involve the idea that we can do something infinately many times and get a finite answer that is useful.
5028#9535 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 9535
02 The Slope of a Tangent Line
5028#5033 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 5033
03 Rates of Change
Galileo had already discovered some years prior that the distance traveled by a falling object is represented by a function of time. Newton wondered how one could calculate the velocity of the object at any particular instance during the fall.
5028#5034 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 5034
04 Limits and Limit Laws in Calculus
Asymptote: a straight line approached by a given curve as one of the variables in the equation of the curve approaches infinity
5028#5029 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 5029
05 What is a Derivative?
What is a Derivative? Deriving the Power Rule
5028#5051 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 5051
06 Derivatives of Polynomial Functions
5028#5052 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 5052
06 Power Rule proof
Definition of differentiation (x˄n)▽x = 「((x+h)˄−x˄n)/h :h⨠0」 Binomial Expansion (x+h)˄n = 「n!/((n−k)!·k!)·x˄(n−k)·h˄k Σk=0,n」 (x+h)˄n − x˄n = 「n!/((n−k)!·k!)·x˄(n−k)·h˄k Σk=1,n」 ((x+h)˄n−x˄n) / h = 「n!/((n−k)!·k!)·x˄(n−k)·h˄(k−1) Σk=1,n」 「((x+h)˄n−x˄ ...
5028#9687 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 9687
06 Product Rule proof
(f(x)·g(x))▽x = 「(f(x+h)·g(x+h)−f(x)·g(x))/h :h⨠0」 = 「(f(x+h)·g(x+h)−f(x+h)·g(x)+f(x+h)·g(x)−f(x)·g(x))/h :h⨠0」 ┅ −f(x+h)·g(x)+f(x+h)·g(x) inserted ┅ = 「(f(x+h)·g(x+h)−f(x+h)·g(x))/h :h⨠0」 + 「(f(x+h)·g(x)−f(x)·g(x))/h :h⨠0」 ┅ split up into two limits ┅ ...
5028#9689 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 9689
06 Quotient Rule proof
(f(x)/g(x))▽x = 「(f(x+h)/g(x+h)−f(x)/g(x))/h :h⨠0」 = 「(f(x+h)·g(x)−f(x)·g(x+h))/(g(x+h)·g(x))/h :h⨠0」 ➊ = 「(f(x+h)·g(x)−f(x)·g(x+h))/h/(g(x+h)·g(x)) :h⨠0」 = 「(f(x+h)·g(x)−f(x)·g(x+h))/h :h⨠0」 · 「1/(g(x+h)·g(x)) :h⨠0」 = 「((f(x+h)−f(x))·g(x)−f(x)·(g(x+h)−g( ...
5028#9692 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 9692
06 Taylor and Maclaurin Series
5028#5104 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 5104
06 Taylor and Maclaurin Series
○ Power Series 「cₙ·x˄n Σn=0,∞」 ○ Taylor Series 「f(x)▽ⁿx「a」/n!·(x−a)˄n Σn=0,∞」 ○ Maclaurin Series 「f(x)▽ⁿx「0」/n!·x˄n Σn=0,∞」 ┅ f(x)▽⁰x = c₀·(x−a)˄0 + c₁·(x−a)˄1 + c₂·(x−a)˄2 + c₃·(x−a)˄3 + ... = 「cₙ·(x−a)˄n Σn=0,∞」 f(x)▽⁰x「a」 = c₀ = c₀·0! c₀ = f(x)▽⁰x「a」/ ...
5028#9697 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 9697
07 Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions
5028#5053 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 5053
08 Chain Rule
5028#5054 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 5054
08 Chain Rule
Derivatives of composite functions
5028#9695 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 9695
08 Chain Rule proof
Definition of differentiation f(g(x))▽x = 「(f(g(x+h))−f(g(x)))/h :h⨠0」 = 「(f(g(x+h))−f(g(x)))/(g(x+h)−g(x))·(g(x+h)−g(x))/h :h⨠0」 = 「(f(g(x+h))−f(g(x)))/(g(x+h)−g(x)) :h⨠0」·「(g(x+h)−g(x))/h :h⨠0」 ᐥ Let g(x+h)−g(x) = t, then 「t :h⨠0」 = 0 and g(x+h) = g(x) ...
5028#9693 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 9693
09 Derivatives of Logarithmic and Exponential Functions
Derivatives of Logarithmic and Exponential Functions
5028#3387 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 3387
17 What is Integration?
○ Finding the Area Under a Curve ○ tinker, articulation, solidify
5028#5123 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 5123
18 The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
Redefining Integration
5028#3415 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 3415
18 The fundamental theorem of calculus
If f is Riemann integrable on [a,b] and F(x) is the integral of f(t) from a to b then F is continuous on [a,b]. Furthermore, if f is continuous on [a,b] then F is differentiable on [a,b] and F' = f.
5028#5193 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 5193
19 Properties of Integrals and Evaluating Definite Integrals
Properties of Integrals and Evaluating Definite Integrals
5028#3416 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 3416
20 Evaluating Indefinite Integrals
Evaluating Indefinite Integrals
5028#3417 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 3417
21 Evaluating Integrals With Trigonometric Functions
Evaluating Integrals With Trigonometric Functions
5028#3418 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 3418
22 Integration Using The Substitution Rule
Integration Using The Substitution Rule
5028#3419 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 3419
23 Integration By Parts
Integration By Parts
5028#3420 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 3420
24 Integration by Trigonometric Substitution
Integration by Trigonometric Substitution
5028#3421 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 3421
25 Advanced Strategy for Integration in Calculus
Advanced Strategy for Integration in Calculus
5028#3422 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 3422
26 Evaluating Improper Integrals
Evaluating Improper Integrals
5028#3423 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 3423
Proverbs and Quotes in English
Short sentences and easy words.
27 Finding the Area Between Two Curves by Integration
Finding the Area Between Two Curves by Integration
5028#3424 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 3424
28 Calculating the Volume of a Solid of Revolution by Integration
5028#3425 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 3425
29 Calculating Volume by Cylindrical Shells
5028#3426 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 3426
30 The Mean Value Theorem For Integrals: Average Value of a Function
The Mean Value Theorem For Integrals: Average Value of a Function
5028#3427 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 3427
Double and Triple Integrals - YouTube
5028#6899 SIBLINGS CHILDREN 6899
How to read
How to read calculus termsIn-line Notationread out loudsay out loudverbally
